Inked comic Image of Man

New Comic Short – I Stare Oblivion

Photos of Inks

Here are a few closeup photos of my upcoming comic, I Stare Oblivion. It will be a short, self-contained story in the style of nonsense literature. Admittedly, it will be lite on nonsense because every bone of my creative body fights against leaving gaps in a plot.

Inked comic image of mother at baker's window

You’ll notice faint blue lines on these drawings. That is from the col-erase pencils I use to sketch out the comic page before I ink. Using a kneaded eraser removes most of them, but the few that remain will be removed in Photoshop after the images are scanned in.

Inked comic image of policeman

As I look at these images I see a few goofs in my inking. The more obnoxious ones will be fixed in Photoshop. But the majority will be left to add to the character of the inks. Making the inks perfect, whatever that means, really only sterilized the beauty of hand-drawn images. Computers are useful for removing unwanted variations, but overused they remove humanity.

Inked comic image of stream running along path
Inked comic Image of Man

Colored Ink Test

And just for kicks – I did a quick coloring of the man. Well, that’s all for now. Sign up for me email list to be notified once the comic is released right here on my website.


Watch Me Ink on Youtube

I’m uploading time-lapse videos of inking pages for Where the Carcass, there the Vulture. Here are a few samples. Jump over the my Youtube channel

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