Past in the Present

Ben and Brennen – Oct. 21st, 2020 – Colorado

Nostalgia hit hard when Toni pulled out an instant camera and snapped this shot of a childhood friend, Brennen, and I. We were playing in the tree fort my father built in an age when these cameras were much more common. A time that photos had physicality.

Now I have “folders” on my computer full of “photos”. Long gone are the family photo albums on the coffee table. Turning pages has been replaced with sliding fingers across glass.

Everything is behind glass now. An oddly fitting metaphor for much of our “social interactions” these days.

It was so refreshing to sit with Brennen and Tony, eating good food, drinking good beer, and sharing good conversation; God’s little blessings.

Catch the Wave Poster Designs

Holographic Poster Print This poster was designed to showcase the capabilities of Mainline Signs new flatbed printer. The printer’s ability to print both white and

Glory Days Pizza – Website Design

A Tired Website Design I reached out to the owners of Glory Days pizza when I noticed how dated their website was. Not only was

Halloween Monster

I sketched several Frankenstein monsters until I was satisfied with the look and composition. The image was then scanned into the computer and imported into

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