A Skull nestled into a decoration

Little Things Matter

I have forgotten more story ideas than I’ve written. Easily. And a big reason for that is unreasonable standards. Instead of hammering out an idea as a short, one-page story, or a quick one-panel comic, I make excuses. “I should wait until I can flesh the idea out more.” As if a shorter work isn’t legitimate.
Why do I believe that a project isn’t valid unless it fits into a particular category? I like making stuff. What excites me about an idea isn’t that it would be a book/movie/comic – it’s the idea itself! So who cares if it’s short!? I’m doing it because it’s fun (and I can’t stop). So conquering unnecessary expectations needs to be a priority.
I moaned to my friend, Yngbi, about a novel that I want to finish but can’t find the motivation. He told me I should write something shorter then I would be able to complete it. And that got me thinking about past story ideas that could be short and still effective. In fact, there was one in particular…

Mistletoe Video

I shot and editing the above video for my employer, Mainline Signs. We wanted to show how our flatbed printer and cutter worked to bring

Pottery to the Ukulele

We enjoyed getting our hands dirty learning pottery making at MakeICT in Wichita Kansas. A great space to learn and play. Thank you to J.Y.

Watch Writing Videos

Writing is a lonely business. So I am breaking up the quiet, pensive, work of climbing around inside my own imagination, to shoot and edit

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