The Shift

At some point you realize there are holes in your socks. And when that time comes there are only two sensible options. Either throw them out or darn them.

Apparently websites are no exception.

So here’s my new website. What’s different, you ask?

Well for starters, the design. It’s not some snazzy custom design with flashing lights running around the border. It’s a design that gives me the ability to update the content as often as I like. Which I will be doing.

Another change isn’t so much with the website as with me. There is a different intent on my part. I’m no longer selling my services as a designer of Advertising and Marketing. Why? Because quiet honestly it bores me to tears. If I were paid a million dollars next year designing advertisements I would be the most unhappy millionaire you ever met. However, if I were to complete another short story, compile another volume of Doug TenNapel’s Sketchbook Archives, design some more video games in my sketchbook and draw another hundred pages…I would be completely satisfied.

Now imagine how happy I’d be to do those things AND be paid a million dollars to do them. That would be bliss.

Stay tuned, folks. There’s more to come.


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